
Hoping to Be Inspired

So, yes, I do realize that it's been months, AGAIN, since my last post.  But it truly doesn't mean that I don't intend to post.  In fact, usually several times a week I do think about a possible item to post or even tell myself that I really need to get back to posting more often.  It just means I'm busy.  Or lazy.  Or both.  Or when I'm not busy being busy, I'm allowing myself a bit of lazy time.  Which I guess is good too.

Today my sister-in-law announced that she is starting a blog.  She's a professor of computer science at Georgia Tech and mother of two girls, so she puts my level of "busy" to shame.  She posted today about why she wanted to start her blog and the type of information she hopes to share.  I was inspired by her start today and thought, why I should get a post of my own going today as well.  No time like the present.

So, I guess first I should update you (by the way, is anyone even still out there reading this thing??) on where life has taken us.  John is in 3rd grade, doing famously, playing travel soccer, basketball and baseball, participating in a Lego team, playing violin and recorder at school and enjoying life as only an extremely goofy 9-year old boy can.  Kara is in kindergarten and finally is enjoying it (she had a bit of a bumpy start to the year) and making some new friends, which is wonderful.  She does gymnastics and is blooming into a very sweet, funny, and beautiful young girl.  Matt is about to change jobs and take on a new challenge, which is a great step for him to take professionally.

And me?  Well, I'm here trying to keep everyone on track.  Keep all the juggling balls that our family keeps throwing into the air, well, up in the air.  It's a very tough thing to do.  I wasn't quite sure what this year would be like for me, with both kids finally in school full-day.  Would I be lonely?  Bored?  Anxious?  Look for a job?  Feel guilty for not already being back at work?  I certainly didn't expect to be as busy as I have found myself.  Turns out that with our evenings busy running here and there to various activities, my days are really spent getting everything done so that after school we can go, go, go.  There is still a little bit of loneliness, guilt, and anxiety that comes with staying at home even after the kids go to school.  But for now, I am trying to enjoy this time.  Take some time to work on some of the projects around the house that I've been putting off for almost 9 years...or so I say (not too many of those projects have happened yet, but it's a nice thought!).

I'm also trying to figure out what MY next step in life will be.  Personally and professionally.  I have some time now to be thoughtful about what I would like to be doing with my time and how to make that happen.  Who knows where this road will take me.  So far, I haven't been able to make much headway in thinking about the future.  Maybe this blog will help me focus those thoughts.  Maybe I'll find my inspiration here.

For now, for the first step, I'm going to pledge to post more often.  Let's see if I can manage to get another post done in the next week.  Baby steps.  I don't know where I'm heading, but I hope I can share some of it with you.