So we have had a very good summer.... But we are all ready for it to be over. Only school doesn't start for another TWO WEEKS! Ugh. I love my kids. I love being able to spend the days with them. I love taking them on adventures during the summer and spending days at the pool. But there are limits. We are all getting sick of each other. They have had A LOT of "together" time this summer. More than in the past. There have been ups and downs to that. Truthfully, they've done remarkably well. They've played together so much, created games, concocted potions, and built so many Lego creations I just can't count. But we have reached the tipping point...the bickering is increasing, everyone's patience is running out, and our energy for "adventures" is waning. And we have TWO MORE WEEKS. Yikes.

I know I am not alone with this phenomenon. I know many, many other moms/parents who are feeling this same way. And that helps...a bit. As we get into the next two weeks, we actually will get busier, and that will help tremendously. We have trips to the Baltimore Aquarium and the National Zoo planned, a concert at Wolf Trap, a soccer tournament and practices, one more minor league baseball game, a birthday party, and a possible amusement park day planned. In addition to a doctor's appointment, a couple of other appointments, any shopping/errands that need to happen before school starts, and some around the house cleaning up efforts that I might try to squeeze in to get us "organized" (yeah, right!) before the school year gets going. Add it all up, and it should make the next two weeks breeze right by. And then I'll be wondering what happened to the summer, why didn't we get more done, missing my kiddos as they head back to school...and cherishing the calm, peaceful quiet of my empty house.
Maybe that's what I'm craving the most right now. A few calm moments in my own house, without needing to get anyone else some food/fix something/referee the current altercation/etc., etc., etc. A few moments to think quietly without interruption. Maybe read an article, much less a book, in peace. Sounds heavenly to me.
I do love my children. VERY much. But right now, I need them to go back to school. NOW, not in TWO WEEKS!