
Back to Real Life

Well, we're back from our travels and are trying to re-immerse ourselves in daily life at home. It's a challenge after spending a week being completely off-schedules - naps, meals, bedtimes. Everything just kind of flowed and we didn't worry too much about the timing of it all. Of course, that resulted in some over-tired kids occasionally, but it was good overall.

The trip went smoothly. The car rides were not too bad, the kids tolerated it all pretty well. There was lots of crazy fun while we were at the beach house

Some of my favorite memories from this year's beach trip:
1. Watching the kids play in the sand and the ocean. This was the BEST!
2. Being able to spend so much time down on the beach this year. Definitely different from the past few years, and very enjoyable for us.
3. Spending time with family and friends.
4. The Beach Fairy, who brings small presents for the kids (mainly John as of yet) each day. Things like a book, some arts and crafts projects, a new Thomas train, and some squirt guns. John was THRILLED with the Beach Fairy each and every day. Even Kara got into the fun too.
5. Watching Kara and John get their fingernails and toenails painted pink! Kara was skeptical at first, but then totally got into it and was asking for more ("mo") polish to be put on! Toooo funny!
6. Doing a fun puzzle and playing games.
7. Eating lots of yummy food - shrimp, scallops, homemade pasta and lots more!
8. Playing air hockey with John
9. Snuggling on the couch with both kids early in the morning (of course they didn't sleep in a bit) before everyone else was up.
10. Watching the full moon rise on the last night we were there. Just beautiful.

It was a great trip, but very exhausting for us all. Now I wish I could go back to relax from the trip!! Ah well, maybe next year??

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