
My Little Artistic Scientist

John has recently decided that he wants to work on his "biggest art project ever." For those of you who don't know John, he is an avid artist. He's constantly cutting, taping, painting, gluing, sticking, drawing, and creating art projects. It's amazing to me, since I am not the world's most creative person myself and he definitely pushes me to find new ways to challenge his artistic interests. Needless to say we have "art projects" hanging all over our house and are overwhelmed with the projects that come home in his bag each day from preschool. It is a wonderful thing to watch him be so creative and see everything as being within reach with a little imagination.

Anyway, his current "biggest art project ever" is a weather-changer. Yes, that's right, a weather-changer. I'm not sure I understand it, or that he even truly understands it, but that is what is being created. Fortunately, the project is on-going out in the garage at my parents' house. So far it has involved painting pieces of wood, hammering nails into the wood, securing lots of bows to other parts of the wood and making a variety of signs to advertise that the "biggest art project ever" is being created (so that everyone will know that it is coming). Last week we spent some time at my parents' house while John's cousins (girls ages 7 and 10) were also visiting from Atlanta and at several points the girls were helping him with his artistic/science endeavor (while giving the adults very skeptical looks). The girls were fortunately willing to humor him and even offered a number of suggestions on improvements he could make and he was thrilled to have their assistance in his creative process. It was quite the scene!

I'll keep you posted as he continues his progress on this amazing project. Maybe he'll succeed in changing the weather?? I guess we can all have some hope for him. He certainly believes that it's possible, so why shouldn't I?

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