
Early Veggie Season is Here

Our Reston Farmers' Market has been open for 3 Saturdays now (at Lake Anne, 8-12 on Saturday mornings). I missed the first week, but made it over the last two weekends and was richly rewarded for my efforts. Kara came with me both times, which made for a nice mother-daughter outing for us. The tents were many and the produce was plentiful. I was pleasantly surprised by the variety I found so early in the season. I was pretty sure it was going to be sparse pickings, but was totally wrong. Over the first two weeks I found salad greens, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, strawberries, cucumbers, snap peas, onions, lettuces, radishes, zucchini, yellow squash, even some early tomatoes, and much more. Many vendors were selling plants - flowers and herbs, and also some veggie plants. Along with the dairy vendors (from which I purchased some fresh feta - heavenly), there were also several vendors selling meat and eggs. It was amazing and inspiring. Both weeks I came home with a full bag of delicious produce for us to feast on and feeling great about the fresh, local, organic food I was going to put on our family's dinner table.

It made me very ready to start getting our veggie bags from the CSA. But that season won't start for another 6 weeks or so. In the meantime, I'll be very happy to frequent the lush farmers' market we are so fortunate to have. Supporting these local farmers is a great side benefit, but the high quality of the food is the best reason to go! So please, oh please, visit your local farmers market. Go often and buy, buy, buy!! And then ENJOY the fruits of your efforts. I promise it will be well worth it!

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