This has been kind of a long day for me. A lot going on. A lot going on in my brain. Nothing too heavy, just stuff. And it's hot. And I'm tired. And it's that after-dinner time when things can either go okay around here or they can go terribly bad. The kids finished dinner, cleared their dishes and ran off to the basement to play. Absolutely fine with me. Lovely, in fact.
And as I'm listening to them play, and they are playing happily, I realize how wonderful it is that Kara finds her brother so absolutely hilarious. No one can make her laugh the way John can. No one can make her smile the way John can. She loves me and she loves her daddy, but John is in a different category altogether. And I love that.
I'm so happy for them that they have each other and that they really do enjoy just hanging out together. Most of the time anyway. They have reached a great age where they play, hang out, do projects, create things and entertain each other remarkably well. It's such a gift. I know they can't see it right now, but every once in awhile, like tonight, I get a glimpse of their relationship and I marvel at the simplicity and the complexity of it.
I hope it never changes. Even though I know it will.
I hope they at least remember these moments the way I hope to as well.
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