After this surprise interaction, I realized that all too quickly, I won't be able to negotiate my way into her daily life. It won't be long before I am deemed "too uncool" to be part of her world. I remember spending much of my tween/teen years feeling exactly the same way about my parents. And I have no doubt that like everything else these days, this will start earlier for Kara than it did for me. And that makes me sad.
I am hoping that it also will make me value and appreciate every moment that I have with her before I start getting the stiff arm and cold shoulder that is sure to come. She is a funny, sweet, creative, smart, wonderful girl that I often feel like I am just getting to know. She's generally not "my easy one" of the two, but she has taught me so much in the last 7 years. I am eternally grateful that she is in my life and I would
go to the ends of the earth for her. And to see that beautiful smile.
Happy Birthday to my darling Kara! I look forward to all the joy, laughter, adventures and smiles that 7 brings to you!
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