
Thanks again and again

Okay, so I think I forgot to do a thankful post last week. Oops! I was thankful, I promise! So, I'll catch up by doing one today instead.

Today I'm thankful for:
1. Great in-laws (who babysat for us on Friday night then had us over all day yesterday for football watching).
2. My sweet hubby who let me stay in bed until almost 9:00 this morning - ahhhhhhh.
3. My yoga classes
4. The kids who despite being up very late the last two nights and no nap for Kara yesterday have been quite well-behaved so far today.
5. A sunny day.
6. The Thanksgiving holiday ahead and all the family we will be visiting with - all the grandparents, my aunt, my uncle and his wife, my brother, sister-in-law and their daughters. Much fun ahead!
7. Having gotten the grocery shopping done this morning so we can relax a bit this afternoon before getting ready for a crazy week ahead!
8. The gift certificate we bought on Friday night at the preschool's silent auction for a character cake for John's birthday - he's so excited to have a Thomas the Tank Engine birthday cake! And I'm thankful to have it taken care of! Yeah!

Okay, now I'm going to go relax some more with my tea before Kara wakes up from her nap. ;-)

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