
Pre-Birthday Week

So this week has been a little nuts around here. As I'm trying to get caught back up from our week of illnesses last week, I've realized that I've done very little Christmas shopping. Add to that John's birthday is on Sunday and you've got one overwhelmed mom! Fortunately, I've done the birthday shopping and yesterday the kids and I conquered the party store for supplies for the (very) small birthday party we're having on Sunday. Today we did the craft store to get a craft project for the party and managed to get a Christmas present for one of my nieces while we were there (ka-ching!). It's been a very busy week. I've been very thankful to have my afternoons during preschool and naptime to get a few things done and have a few minutes to myself. My brain feels like it's going too fast and I definitely need some time each day to make myself slow down a bit and remember to enjoy the season. This is my favorite time of year and I've been struggling to enjoy it so far this year. I'm hoping that after Sunday things will slow down and we'll be able to relax a bit. I just finished doing a bunch of shopping via Crate and Barrel's website (with free shipping, even to multiple locations - yeah!!), so that takes care of a lot of my list. I feel very relieved! Now I have a few more minutes before waking Kara to go get John after school. Then I'm intending to do some vacuuming, but maybe we'll do a holiday craft project or watch a holiday show that we've taped instead. I need to have a little fun today!!

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