
Relax - for a moment anyway

As I type this, I'm listening to Matt and the kids play with John's new Hot Wheels set in the basement. Kara's asking "Rea-ry Daddy?" (translate - Ready Daddy?). And the set is nice because to work the whole thing together you need to push buttons in two different places, which gives Kara a way to participate without making John miserable! It's a good time happening down there. We're also waiting (some of us more patiently than others) for some Christmas sugar cookies to cool so that we can decorate them. It's been a nice calm day for us, which has been very pleasant. We managed to get a bit of grocery shopping in. I did some of the gift wrapping last night, so I'm feeling a bit better about that task. The next couple of days are going to be busier again, filled with errands and visits with family, which we all love, but does sometimes leave me wondering when the other tasks of the household will get done. The day outside has been gray and dreary, but it has been that way most of the week. I'm really ready for it to either snow or clear up so we can see the sun again.

The kids seem to be enjoying the holidays so far. We've been making various holiday/birthday crafts, singing songs, watching holiday specials, and ready lots of good holiday books. Yesterday at the library we actually found a copy of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, which we read all together before naptime today. I love finally being able to enjoy the season and all that it entails. We're getting multiple holiday cards in the mail each day now and I love seeing how all the kids are growing and changing.

Okay, the kids aren't waiting too patiently anymore for decorating cookies. So off I must head to do that before total anarchy takes over my household!

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