I can hardly believe it, but my little boy is finally 5 years old. As I looked in on him last night, he lay there sleeping soundly looking like such a big kid in his bed. Even 2 years ago when we got the twin bed, he looked so small in such a big bed. Now he's gotten so much bigger and is becoming my little man. It's hard to remember the days when he was just an infant. I am so proud of him and who he is becoming. He's sweet, smart, independent, and confident - all qualities I wished for him as a newborn. Of course there are times when he frustrates the heck out of me, but more and more I'm enjoying spending time with him. Often the best times are reading books or playing games together. Or just watching him enjoy being a big brother to Kara. I'm so happy that we had a great birthday weekend together and will get to celebrate again tomorrow at school. Happy Birthday to my big boy (and to all the other December birthday kids that we know)!!
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