
Soccer isn't so bad afterall

This week John is doing a sports sampler camp through the Herndon Community Center. He's doing it with a good neighbor friend and it is in the mornings from 9-11am for just this week. Yesterday, and again today, they focused on soccer. Other sports they might do include: t-ball, basketball, golf, and football. In the spring of 2008, John participated in a popular kids' soccer program and hated it. He had been really excited about it, but then when there were too many new kids all at once, it was awful. Ever since he's been pretty much against any efforts to play or try a different (a.k.a. smaller) program. But after two days of soccer exposure at this camp, he's very interested in it again. Today, on the way home, he even asked why we don't have goals at our house. Really? Well, probably because you hated soccer three days ago! Anyway, now I'll have to be creative about finding new ways to engage this interest on his part and see if I can keep it going. He's also very interested in t-ball, so I'm hopeful that they'll do that one day this week too so he can give it a try. Camps are such a great way to give new things a try!

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