

Oh my goodness!! Pigtails are about the cutest thing on the planet! After talking with our playgroup moms last week about putting their girls' hair into pigtails, I finally today had the opportunity to give it a try on Kara. I'd been waiting until her mood was just right and today was it. I gave the kids a pre-dinner bath, so while her hair was wet and she was in a good mood, I gave it a try. It was surprisingly easy and she looks absolutely adorable! As many of you know she's got some kooky curly hair to start with, so her pigtails just turned into a string of curls on either side of her head. We're so used to seeing her with her hair down, it looks a little funny to us, but I just can't get over how cute it is. And it keeps her hair out of her face. She's had them in for almost an hour and a half now and hasn't even tried to pull them out yet! I see me trying this again VERY soon. Like maybe tomorrow. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see her in pigtails!