
Tossing Artwork

Well, yesterday John surprised, no, shocked me yet again. As I described earlier, he is a crazy artist. He produces an incredible amount of "artwork." Often, he'll start an art project and then will decide to put it aside to finish later, but then never quite comes back to finish it. Then we end up with lots of piles of partly finished projects. For awhile I had gotten him to put them into a box so at least it was contained. Then I hosted a party and put the box away. Recently I found the box and came really close to tossing the whole thing, since he hadn't ever asked about it. But I couldn't quite bring myself to doing it. Not sure why. I desperately am trying to purge some of the clutter in our house and the box epitomizes clutter. For whatever reason, the box lived on.

The other day, John came downstairs and was asking about making yet another art project, this time I think the idea was a house made out of paper for his favorite stuffed animal, Puppy. I suggested that maybe a paper house wouldn't be so sturdy, but maybe we could find a box to use instead...THE box, in fact. John didn't think that the box would be such a good idea, but thought that maybe some of the paper scraps inside the box might be helpful. Well, at least some part of it was going to be used. Then, he proceeded to pull each and every scrap out of the box and decided that most of it was stuff he was done with and thew it in the trash! There were a couple of things that he saved, but 95% of the contents went straight into the trash can without any input from me. I was floored. All this time I have been secretly purging artwork and feeling VERY guilty doing it and had even felt too guilty to trash this box of art scraps, and he just came along and did it himself. It was amazing.

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