
Booking it together

My 2 kids are at the dining table as I write this and they are each working diligently - Kara in her Seasame Street coloring book and John in his writing/counting workbook. He's reading just fine already, but the writing skills are definitely in need of some practice. And I have had trouble getting him motivated to work on the workbook, but this seems to be working...for now. Both kids are content and I get a chance to type a bit on the blog - great for all parties! Now that we have the laptop my blogging can become more flexible and I can do it here at the table with the kids. I love getting them engaged in activities where I can start them off, they can take off with their creative sides for a bit on their own (but I'm always available for assistance), and then I can help finish up and clean up. It gives them a sense of accomplishment in their projects and they can (mostly) do them without the sibling fighting that seems to be growing in intensity around here lately. Any time I can go for 10 minutes or more without listening to anyone scream, cry, yell, or whine, I figure it's a success! ;-)

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