
Sick Day

So it's a very good thing days like this don't come along very often. Or I might think pretty hard about going back to work. Seriously. Both the kids have been fighting off a cold for a couple of days. Mostly just a drippy nose, not a big deal, especially this time of year. Yesterday at the playground I think 85% of the kids had a drippy nose. But this morning John woke up with a nasty dry cough - not good. So we had a quiet morning around the house. I finally got motivated enough the vacuum upstairs, which I had seriously been putting off for WAY longer than I care to admit. But as the morning wore on it became very clear that he was not in shape to go to school today. Bummer. For both of us. His cough has been quiet most of the day, but the nose is running and he's definitely more subdued than usual. We got through lunch, had a short impromptu visit with some neighbors (who are also fighting off the cold, so sharing the germs didn't seem like a big deal), then Kara took one of her shortest naps ever - major bummer. So now she's up and screaming her curly little head off about every little thing. So I caved on John's punishment from yesterday of no tv for 2 days and turned on the end of Fantasia for them to get her to stop screaming and give myself a moment of peace with my coffee while I pray that my headache goes away. Oh, and did I mention that I have a preschool board meeting tonight too?

Today has been very rough. Tomorrow will be better?? I'm not sure who suffers more when the kids are sick - them or me. Today it was definitely me. Please, oh please, let John be able to go to school tomorrow.

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