
Kara's Officially 2

Well, her birthday was last Friday and it was an adventure of a day. We had a rough morning as a family, lots of whining and fussing while Matt and I tried to get us ready to get out the door to go camping for the weekend. Wasn't too much of a birthday morning. It was all made better by a late lunch at Five Guys where the birthday girl was perfectly happy to eat some very yummy french fries for lunch before a good nap in the car. Then once we got to the campground all was better for all four of us. The kids had a great weekend, the weather was PERFECT, and the food and company was excellent. It was a good trip for us all and Kara was thrilled spending her birthday with us all together.

Yesterday we had a little impromptu gathering at the playground with some neighbors and we brought brownies and juice. It was a great time for all the kids. Lots of running around, climbing, sliding, swinging, and fun was had by all. I'll post pictures of it all soon. The kids were in their element. Everyone was so tired by the time we got home. Excellent, since I had yoga last night and Matt was on his own for bedtime.

The birthday gatherings will continue as we have not had a chance to celebrate with the grandparents yet, so although we did not choose to do a big party for our big 2 year old, it feels like she's getting all the attention she deserves. And she's busy enjoying every minute of it!

Happy Birthday Kara! We love you!

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