
Busy Busy Week

Again, yet another busy busy week for us. Monday - swim class, errands, lunch out, home for nap, then a doctor appointment for me. Tuesday - Trader Joe's, play with neighbors, lunch, working at the preschool, then playground time before dinner and yoga for me. Wednesday - swim class (last day), bath for the kids, quick lunch, working at the school again (and bringing snack), laundry, dinner, grocery store, and John and Matt went to Frying Pan Park for a program. Thursday - library, school, getting ready for a camping trip, new front door installation, and hopefully some play time for the kids.

Whee!!! And then Friday will be Kara's birthday! My goodness, the week has absolutely escaped me. I have gotten a lot of productive things done, but there is a lot more to do, mostly for the camping trip we leave on tomorrow, but also for Kara's birthday. I feel a bit guilty with a definite lack of purposeful planning for her big day, but I also do believe that she will be perfectly happy to enjoy the day with all of us together and going camping, which she definitely enjoys. Maybe next week will be a little less crazy? Probably not....

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