Well, we've made it through the first 24 hours of another work trip for Matt. He left dark and early yesterday morning and will be back after the kids go to bed on Monday night. After a long week of snow, ice and sickness, I was not looking forward to a long weekend of single-parenthood. In the past when he's been out of town for more than a day or two, I've typically spent at least part of the time retreating to my parents' house for some assistance and a reprieve from some of the hassle of cooking and cleaning. But this time as the trip approached and various activities have arised, I decided to try and duke it out on our own. And so far, so good.
Last night after the kids went to bed, a couple of neighborhood moms came over and we just talked, ate, drank, and laughed (a lot!) until almost 1:00 am! I had a blast with these ladies and am very thankful for their friendship. It was so much fun. So even though I'm a little tired today, it was so worth it!
Today's plans include a possible library trip, a haircut for John, and hopefully (if all goes well) dinner at a local restaurant where the kids can get one of their favorite meals - chicken quesadillas. My in-laws just called and offered to take the kids off my hands for a couple of hours today to give me a break, but I declined since I'm feeling pretty confident about our ability to get through today. Everyone's in a good mood, has eaten a big breakfast and are excited about our plans. I'm very optimistic about today.
Then tomorrow's plan is go maybe get to the grocery store in the morning, then a big party at the marina where my in-laws have a boat. The party is all afternoon, will have tons of food, drinks, door prizes, and fun. It was a blast last year and I'm really looking forward to it again this year. Then after the party, I'm going to come home to watch the superbowl with the kids, have a good, normal bedtime and then chill out on my own for the rest of the game. I thought I'd be lonely or unhappy spending the game by myself, but I'm actually looking forward to it. Not sure why exactly, but I guess I'm just ready for some low-key activities. We'll see how I feel by the time the game starts, but anyway....
So, it'll be a full weekend of plans, nothing terribly exciting (except for the marina party), but lots of fun. Hopefully the kids will stay happy and enjoy the time as well. I guess it's that I've now been a mom for long enough that being on my own for a few days just doesn't scare me the same way it used to. It's a challenge, and it is exhausting, but it's not overwhelmingly scary anymore. I love my kids and they're at a great stage right now. Very playful, more and more independent, and can be entertain themselves a lot more than they used to (together and separately).
I think it's going to be a good weekend for us all. But still, wish me luck!
Feeling like a sick, claustrophic germaphobe
Well, today is yet another sick/snow day here. The snow storm gave way to ice and rain today and thus school has been cancelled. Major bummer. I NEEDED John to have school today, desperately. Matt has after-work plans tonight with a friend, so it starts out as a long day for me. Add in no school for John and no little kids class for Kara (due to the pneumonia and the snow/ice day). And then add in the cold brewing in my chest that I woke up to find this morning. Then consider that we have, for the most part, been cooped up inside for days already. Makes for a not very happy mommy and some rambunctious kids. We can't invite other kids over to play because Kara still had a bit of fever last night. Can't go outside in the ice. I guess today will be filled with lots of games of Sorry!, some tv (although the kids are pretty bored with that option by now), maybe some reading, and me trying to figure out how to keep them occupied while I get some rest...or if that's even possible.
So now I'm just feeling claustrophobic or sick of my house and also just tired of someone in our family being sick all the damn time. I can't stand the germs and yet, am baffled as to how we seem to breed them in our household. I'm not big on cleaning, I'll totally admit that. But I do what I have to do to keep the house clean most of the time. And then I'm big on washing hands with the kids. John still has a tendency to find a way to get a finger in his nose, so he gets the brunt of my hand washing efforts. And yet, we still have illness. I know, this time of year especially everyone is sick. But I'm tired of it. Can I veto the next four rounds of illness for our family? Please. No, well, I guess it didn't hurt to ask. I just hope this bug doesn't take me down for the next 10 days. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now I'm just feeling claustrophobic or sick of my house and also just tired of someone in our family being sick all the damn time. I can't stand the germs and yet, am baffled as to how we seem to breed them in our household. I'm not big on cleaning, I'll totally admit that. But I do what I have to do to keep the house clean most of the time. And then I'm big on washing hands with the kids. John still has a tendency to find a way to get a finger in his nose, so he gets the brunt of my hand washing efforts. And yet, we still have illness. I know, this time of year especially everyone is sick. But I'm tired of it. Can I veto the next four rounds of illness for our family? Please. No, well, I guess it didn't hurt to ask. I just hope this bug doesn't take me down for the next 10 days. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kara's Down, Really Down
Well, after continuing with her fever issues for another couple of days, I finally called and got us in to the doctor this morning. Thank goodness I got an early appointment, since with the snow we (finally) got this morning the roads were pretty messed up. Anyway, after a quick listen to her chest, and a lookie in her ears, he told me that she has a "touch" of pneumonia, often called "walking pneumonia", and a double ear infection. Yikes! Until today, my kids had never had an ear infection and the only time antibiotics had been given was eyedrops for John last year when he had pink eye. It was something that was pure coincidence, since we have had our share of sicknesses for sure, but I was quite proud of it. Anyway, Kara's now on antibiotics and will hopefully improve quickly. Otherwise it's back to the doctor for x-rays, etc. She really hasn't seemed all that sick though. She's been playing and eating, just slowing down when the fever kicks in. Boy am I glad to have gotten her in to the doctor!
The biggest bummer of it is that today it has finally snowed enough that the kids can go out and play in the snow. Shovel it, throw snowballs, make snow angels, and have some fun. Except for Kara. The doctor recommended keeping her indoors. What a bummer! So, fortunately, a wonderful neighbor offered to take John out with her kids to play in the snow. (THANK YOU Heather!!!) So at least he got out for a good romp with his friends - great on multiple levels for him. Maybe by the end of the week we'll be able to get back into our routines and have some fun again. ;-) Of course, then Matt will be leaving town for a couple of days for a work trip...always fun for Mom! Ah well, today we've had some extra tv time, hot cocoa, and I hope to make a big bowl of popcorn soon. If I'm going to be stuck inside with sick girl, I may as well enjoy it!
The biggest bummer of it is that today it has finally snowed enough that the kids can go out and play in the snow. Shovel it, throw snowballs, make snow angels, and have some fun. Except for Kara. The doctor recommended keeping her indoors. What a bummer! So, fortunately, a wonderful neighbor offered to take John out with her kids to play in the snow. (THANK YOU Heather!!!) So at least he got out for a good romp with his friends - great on multiple levels for him. Maybe by the end of the week we'll be able to get back into our routines and have some fun again. ;-) Of course, then Matt will be leaving town for a couple of days for a work trip...always fun for Mom! Ah well, today we've had some extra tv time, hot cocoa, and I hope to make a big bowl of popcorn soon. If I'm going to be stuck inside with sick girl, I may as well enjoy it!
Trash vs. Weather Changer Project Possibilities
One of the fun things about having young kids is their ability to see something special out of something adults might overlook. Since last summer John has been working on "The Biggest Art Project Ever" when we go out to my parents' house. This project is going to become a weather changer (yes, I know, it's not likely to be successful, but boy, is he hopeful). He's painted, screwed, hammered, and more in the process of building the weather changer. He's also collected a lot of items for possible use in the weather changer. We try to get out regularly to walk around our neighborhood, often in search of friends, or just to get out of the house for a bit. Everytime we do (or even when we're at home or anywhere, for that matter), he's in constant search of items to collect for this project. We can be walking along, and what seems like a piece of trash, or a rock, or other item that many of us would walk by, he'll put it into a bucket or bag to bring home. It then gets placed into a box in our closet called the weather changer box. That's where we collect these things until the next visit to the grandparents' house. It's absolutely hilarious! At first my reaction was to try to discourage this process, but it's true recycling, and although I won't let him collect everything he tries to bring home (I do have some limits with this stuff), there really is no harm in a few sticks, rocks, and maybe an old tissue box being saved from the landfill for awhile.
I'm not sure the weather changer will ever really be completed, but he's having a great time working on it. And it's helping to remind me that things we often overlook might be useful in creative ways.
I'm not sure the weather changer will ever really be completed, but he's having a great time working on it. And it's helping to remind me that things we often overlook might be useful in creative ways.
Good Hubby Points
Until last weekend, Matt and I had not taken an adult-only trip since the kids were born (well, except for our trip to the hospital when Kara was born, but I'm not counting that!). So it was clearly time for us to do that, for us and for the kids.
Matt surprised me by planning with his parents to watch the kids for a night during the holiday weekend last week. I was so surprised and excited! Serious good hubby points were earned! He got the arrangements settled with his parents and then let me in on the secret so we could decide together where we would go. After a bit of discussion about the various local options (and considering the inauguration craziness in the area), we decided to go up to Frederick, MD for the day/night. The grandparents came over on Sunday morning, and we headed out. The kids hardly noticed we were leaving and did fine while we were gone. Matt and I did some shopping and had a nice lunch, then checked into our hotel, and relaxed for a bit while watching the football games. It was so nice to do things on our own schedule and not worrying a bit about the kids! Then we went to a wonderful tapas restaurant called Isabella's (this dinner is why we chose Frederick as a destination). It was fabulous! We walked around a bit after dinner and headed back to the hotel. A little more tv watching and then some very restful sleep made for a relaxed end to a fun day.
We got up the next morning, enjoyed a breakfast at the hotel and then headed home. The kids were happy to see us, but clearly were not dying for us to come home either. A pleasant way to come back.
The trip made us realize that we need to allow ourselves to make trips like this one more frequently. We were gone for only 24 hours, but it was a good way for us to rejuvenate, individually and as a couple. We're already planning another trip away in April and it will be for at least 3-4 nights. I can't wait.
Matt surprised me by planning with his parents to watch the kids for a night during the holiday weekend last week. I was so surprised and excited! Serious good hubby points were earned! He got the arrangements settled with his parents and then let me in on the secret so we could decide together where we would go. After a bit of discussion about the various local options (and considering the inauguration craziness in the area), we decided to go up to Frederick, MD for the day/night. The grandparents came over on Sunday morning, and we headed out. The kids hardly noticed we were leaving and did fine while we were gone. Matt and I did some shopping and had a nice lunch, then checked into our hotel, and relaxed for a bit while watching the football games. It was so nice to do things on our own schedule and not worrying a bit about the kids! Then we went to a wonderful tapas restaurant called Isabella's (this dinner is why we chose Frederick as a destination). It was fabulous! We walked around a bit after dinner and headed back to the hotel. A little more tv watching and then some very restful sleep made for a relaxed end to a fun day.
We got up the next morning, enjoyed a breakfast at the hotel and then headed home. The kids were happy to see us, but clearly were not dying for us to come home either. A pleasant way to come back.
The trip made us realize that we need to allow ourselves to make trips like this one more frequently. We were gone for only 24 hours, but it was a good way for us to rejuvenate, individually and as a couple. We're already planning another trip away in April and it will be for at least 3-4 nights. I can't wait.
We're sick again!
Well, not all of us are this time, fortunately. So far (and I'm totally knocking on wood), Kara's the only one with the sickies. But, she's really got it good this time. She's had a fever for a couple of days now and a super drippy nose and a cough that kind of comes and goes. The fever has gotten up to 104.2 and 103.7 the last two nights, so she's been pretty miserable and unhappy. Not my usual happy funny girl.
The rest of us are trying like heck to stay healthy and trying to keep John occupied while keeping Kara at home. John and I went to a dinner last night at our good family friend's house. We stayed super late, and John and I both had a very fun time. Matt was able to get Kara to bed early and then enjoyed a quiet evening to himself, so I think it was good all around. But we're all definitely in need of some time out and about. It's been a long couple of weeks of bitter cold temps here lately and the kids are really starting to show it. Even John's preschool teacher said the kids were a little crazy in the class this week since playground opportunities had been limited recently. On Friday we had a brief warm up and all the neighborhood kids were outside and excited to see each other and played like crazy. At that point, Kara wasn't showing signs of her illness, so even she got some outdoor play time. It was good for kids and moms alike!
Hopefully Kara will rebound soon from the sickie bug and we'll be back on track to health and fun times for all. She's a sad puppy right now, for sure!
The rest of us are trying like heck to stay healthy and trying to keep John occupied while keeping Kara at home. John and I went to a dinner last night at our good family friend's house. We stayed super late, and John and I both had a very fun time. Matt was able to get Kara to bed early and then enjoyed a quiet evening to himself, so I think it was good all around. But we're all definitely in need of some time out and about. It's been a long couple of weeks of bitter cold temps here lately and the kids are really starting to show it. Even John's preschool teacher said the kids were a little crazy in the class this week since playground opportunities had been limited recently. On Friday we had a brief warm up and all the neighborhood kids were outside and excited to see each other and played like crazy. At that point, Kara wasn't showing signs of her illness, so even she got some outdoor play time. It was good for kids and moms alike!
Hopefully Kara will rebound soon from the sickie bug and we'll be back on track to health and fun times for all. She's a sad puppy right now, for sure!
Smart Santa
This year for Christmas I decided months ago that Santa's gift to Kara would be a play kitchen. After much deliberation and online researching, I ordered one before Thanksgiving so that I would have time to assemble it before the big day arrived. With some last minute scrambling, I did manage to get the whole thing assembled (which was not the easiest task) and set up for Santa's arrival. I knew this particular item was going to be popular with both kids and even debated about giving it as a gift to both of them, but ultimately we decided that John should get his own gifts and let the kitchen just be for Kara. Well, with another gift of play food from my parents to add to the collection, the kitchen is complete. And was a rousing success on Christmas Day. So much so, in fact, that John later declared that Santa had brought it for both of them. Kara insisted the kitchen was hers. We had to remind John, much to his dismay, that the kitchen was in fact Kara's, but she was required to share it with him. I purposely bought one big enough for them to play together with it, knowing this might be an issue. Both of my kids have always flocked to play kitchens at other people's houses, and fortunately, are doing the same thing with ours now. When I'm in the kitchen cooking meals, there is often one or both of the kids in the play kitchen "cooking" up something. Kara loves to come offer people the ice cream cones and grapes. While John likes the bananas. The other day I made homemade french fries, and Kara immediately went to her food collection and pulled out the french fries to offer everyone. My little chefs now have a kitchen of their own to create in! I love it!
Finally Better...Now on to the New Year!
Well, I think we're finally recovering from the very nasty head cold that Matt and I were inflicted with last week. We were truly down and out for a full week with major head congestion. I just can't believe we were so ill with so few symptoms, but it was really just a head cold. And TONS of snot!
Anyway, after being very slow and uninteresting for the kids all week, we did manage to get out on Saturday morning and go over to the nearby Udvar-Hazy Museum, which is part of the National Air and Space Museum in D.C. It was an excellent follow-up for John's space lessons he's been doing at school and the museum itself is interesting and huge. Lots of room for the kids to wander and roam a bit, while we looked at a few things and everyone seemed to enjoy getting out of the house. I forget how close by this activity is to us and it really is a great resource.
Now it's Monday again and I'm finally trying to get back on track after the holidays and last week's sickness. I feel like my new year is just now beginning, while everyone else has been going for almost 2 weeks now! I'm behind on just about everything - laundry, cleaning, thank you notes, and even some work. I did manage to clean the bathrooms today, and hope to get to the floors later.
We got out early this morning for a Target run, per John's request. He decided to take some money out of his piggy bank to go and buy a train or two. So, since we didn't have pending plans, and I'm always willing to put off my housework, we headed out to Target. We counted his money pile first, he had $13.03 in his bag. I traded out his coins for my dollars for ease of the transaction. And he went straight to the Thomas the Tank Engine section of Target. After much careful deliberation, he selected two vehicles to purchase, Diesel 10 and Alfie. Diesel 10 is one that he has been wanting to get for quite some time now, so he is very pleased now to have it in his collection. And Alfie is a construction type vehicle (an excavator, I believe), so that's also a good addition. I'm proud of the way he decided which ones to buy. He could have brought a lot more money (he has quite the piggy bank), or nagged me for more money once he realized how much things were going to cost, but he didn't. He asked how much each thing was, and what he would be able to afford with the money he had in his bag. Then once his decision was made, he stuck to it through the rest of our shopping and was pleased with his purchase afterwards. I was very proud of his big-kid approach to the process and I believe he is too.
And much to my surprise, Kara didn't fuss a bit about John getting something from the store and nothing for her! She was happy to hold onto the container of goldfish crackers and didn't seem to notice that she wasn't getting a new toy. I know that won't happen many more times!
The week ahead holds a few busy days for us - swimming twice for John, Little Bits class for Kara, gymnastics for John, a doctor's appointment for John, and topped off with a yoga class for me. Should keep us all busy during what looks to be a bitterly cold week. I'm sure more adventures and stories will pop up this week, and I'll be sure to share them soon!
Anyway, after being very slow and uninteresting for the kids all week, we did manage to get out on Saturday morning and go over to the nearby Udvar-Hazy Museum, which is part of the National Air and Space Museum in D.C. It was an excellent follow-up for John's space lessons he's been doing at school and the museum itself is interesting and huge. Lots of room for the kids to wander and roam a bit, while we looked at a few things and everyone seemed to enjoy getting out of the house. I forget how close by this activity is to us and it really is a great resource.
Now it's Monday again and I'm finally trying to get back on track after the holidays and last week's sickness. I feel like my new year is just now beginning, while everyone else has been going for almost 2 weeks now! I'm behind on just about everything - laundry, cleaning, thank you notes, and even some work. I did manage to clean the bathrooms today, and hope to get to the floors later.
We got out early this morning for a Target run, per John's request. He decided to take some money out of his piggy bank to go and buy a train or two. So, since we didn't have pending plans, and I'm always willing to put off my housework, we headed out to Target. We counted his money pile first, he had $13.03 in his bag. I traded out his coins for my dollars for ease of the transaction. And he went straight to the Thomas the Tank Engine section of Target. After much careful deliberation, he selected two vehicles to purchase, Diesel 10 and Alfie. Diesel 10 is one that he has been wanting to get for quite some time now, so he is very pleased now to have it in his collection. And Alfie is a construction type vehicle (an excavator, I believe), so that's also a good addition. I'm proud of the way he decided which ones to buy. He could have brought a lot more money (he has quite the piggy bank), or nagged me for more money once he realized how much things were going to cost, but he didn't. He asked how much each thing was, and what he would be able to afford with the money he had in his bag. Then once his decision was made, he stuck to it through the rest of our shopping and was pleased with his purchase afterwards. I was very proud of his big-kid approach to the process and I believe he is too.
And much to my surprise, Kara didn't fuss a bit about John getting something from the store and nothing for her! She was happy to hold onto the container of goldfish crackers and didn't seem to notice that she wasn't getting a new toy. I know that won't happen many more times!
The week ahead holds a few busy days for us - swimming twice for John, Little Bits class for Kara, gymnastics for John, a doctor's appointment for John, and topped off with a yoga class for me. Should keep us all busy during what looks to be a bitterly cold week. I'm sure more adventures and stories will pop up this week, and I'll be sure to share them soon!
The Best Mommy Ever...for the moment
Tonight while I was making an easy dinner (because yes, I am STILL fuzzy headed with cold germs), John was helping me by squeezing lemons for the chickpea and broccoli salad recipe that Matt and I were going to have. I asked John if he'd be interested in having some shells and cheese (the kind from Trader Joe's - his favorite). I got a resounding YES! Then I slyly said, "And I thought I'd slice a zucchini and put it on the grill pan." This is one of his favorite veggies. He was so excited and asked, "for me? Did you pick that out just for me?" I confirmed that I had picked out those options knowing they were popular with the five year old in our house. The next statement was, "Wow, you're the best mommy I ever had." I said "Thank you."
Well, I was the best mommy until bedtime when we had to have a time out to calm down before bed. Ah well, at least I had the title for a bit. What more can a sick mom ask for?
Well, I was the best mommy until bedtime when we had to have a time out to calm down before bed. Ah well, at least I had the title for a bit. What more can a sick mom ask for?
Yet Another Cold
So for the last few days we've been plagued with runny noses. I think one day John even had a bit of a cough. Nothing too bad, but still annoying and keeping us indoors for most of the weekend. Now John is mostly over it, Kara is clearly feeling okay but has a runny nose, and Matt and I are right in the thick of the cold. Today is the worst day so far for both of us - congestion, achiness, and that super annoying fuzzy head feeling. So Matt stayed home sick today. And I would have too, except that he was sick...and the kids aren't! Of course the weather is totally yucky today so we can't even get the kids out to the playground or outdoors at all. All I want to do is curl up into a ball, take some nyquil, and go to sleep. Don't even ask me what dinner will be - I haven't got a clue! I just lost at checkers to John (who's never beaten me), and I wasn't even trying to lose. I've been able to occupy the kids enough so they haven't watched an exorbitant amount of tv today, which often is what results when one of us is sick. But I did just relent to watching a new dvd they got for Christmas so that I can relax a bit and figure out some kind of food to serve them for dinner. I'm not sure Matt and I will even care what we eat, but they sure will.
I'm hopeful that since the kids have gotten over this so quickly, that Matt and I will soon follow suit. We have too much going on this week to get bogged down with yet another cold bug. So all you germs - just SHOOOOO!!! Out of my house!!! I want my head back!!!
I'm hopeful that since the kids have gotten over this so quickly, that Matt and I will soon follow suit. We have too much going on this week to get bogged down with yet another cold bug. So all you germs - just SHOOOOO!!! Out of my house!!! I want my head back!!!
Broken Record?
Why when you become a parent do you inevitably become also a broken record? I remember being annoyed with my parents as they kept repeating the same several mantras over and over again throughout my childhood. And now I find myself doing the same thing with my kids, already! At bedtime tonight, we got the kids upstairs, into pjs, and ready for books earlier than usual. Great! We said we'd have extra reading time. So we read three fairly long books before it was time to hit the hay. John had picked out two of the books and Kara had picked one. Then we tucked everyone into bed, and as we were doing our kisses goodnight, John started to whine about how we could have read a whole bunch of Charlotte's Web instead. Well, while that is true, he got to choose two of the books we did read! Argh! So I immediately burst into my mantra of "we'll have more time tomorrow to read from Charlotte's Web" and "we should appreciate the books we did get to read, instead of whining about the one we didn't get to." He whined a few more whimpers as I was walking out of the room. And I immediately felt like the broken record of parenthood has clearly settled into my home and my life.
Maybe it all does work eventually. I don't know. I hope that with each time I repeat the parenting mantras about being kind, sharing, being responsible, etc. that they will sink in further and further into the personalities of my children and then, later on in their lives, these whispers of reminders will help them become amazing individuals. It's hard to remember that as an end goal when the daily whining is so strong and loud.
Does anyone else feel like a broken record?
Maybe it all does work eventually. I don't know. I hope that with each time I repeat the parenting mantras about being kind, sharing, being responsible, etc. that they will sink in further and further into the personalities of my children and then, later on in their lives, these whispers of reminders will help them become amazing individuals. It's hard to remember that as an end goal when the daily whining is so strong and loud.
Does anyone else feel like a broken record?
Old Friends, Good Times
We had a visit today from a family that used to live across the street. They moved to England for about 2 and a half years ago, when John and their oldest boy were about 2 and a half years old. We've seen the wife and two older children about once a year since they left. Today they came as the whole family (hubby, wife, and the 3 kids). It was a wonderful visit. When they moved away John and Vincent were truly best buds. I had become very dear friends with the wife and had a very difficult time adjusting to life after they had left. The boys played well together and the two couples enjoyed spending our Friday nights eating pizza and playing games late into the night. It was a very special time for us. Then they moved away and we've kept in touch. Although, I will admit, I have not done as good of a job calling or writing to them as I should. Sometimes it's just too hard to think about all the things we're not doing together, but most times it's just hard to find a good time to talk on the phone due to the time difference and the kids' schedules. Anyway, they were all here today and we had a GREAT time. It was good to see them all - the newest addition to their family is only 5 months old. It was an easy and pleasant visit and reminded me about how much I enjoy them and miss them.
I want to say Thank You to Gretchen and Lou for coming by today and sharing some of your brief time here in the U.S. with us. I know your time here is precious and I truly appreciate that you were able to squeeze us in. We miss you a lot and it was great to see you all today.
I want to say Thank You to Gretchen and Lou for coming by today and sharing some of your brief time here in the U.S. with us. I know your time here is precious and I truly appreciate that you were able to squeeze us in. We miss you a lot and it was great to see you all today.
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