
We're sick again!

Well, not all of us are this time, fortunately. So far (and I'm totally knocking on wood), Kara's the only one with the sickies. But, she's really got it good this time. She's had a fever for a couple of days now and a super drippy nose and a cough that kind of comes and goes. The fever has gotten up to 104.2 and 103.7 the last two nights, so she's been pretty miserable and unhappy. Not my usual happy funny girl.

The rest of us are trying like heck to stay healthy and trying to keep John occupied while keeping Kara at home. John and I went to a dinner last night at our good family friend's house. We stayed super late, and John and I both had a very fun time. Matt was able to get Kara to bed early and then enjoyed a quiet evening to himself, so I think it was good all around. But we're all definitely in need of some time out and about. It's been a long couple of weeks of bitter cold temps here lately and the kids are really starting to show it. Even John's preschool teacher said the kids were a little crazy in the class this week since playground opportunities had been limited recently. On Friday we had a brief warm up and all the neighborhood kids were outside and excited to see each other and played like crazy. At that point, Kara wasn't showing signs of her illness, so even she got some outdoor play time. It was good for kids and moms alike!

Hopefully Kara will rebound soon from the sickie bug and we'll be back on track to health and fun times for all. She's a sad puppy right now, for sure!

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