
Yet Another Cold

So for the last few days we've been plagued with runny noses. I think one day John even had a bit of a cough. Nothing too bad, but still annoying and keeping us indoors for most of the weekend. Now John is mostly over it, Kara is clearly feeling okay but has a runny nose, and Matt and I are right in the thick of the cold. Today is the worst day so far for both of us - congestion, achiness, and that super annoying fuzzy head feeling. So Matt stayed home sick today. And I would have too, except that he was sick...and the kids aren't! Of course the weather is totally yucky today so we can't even get the kids out to the playground or outdoors at all. All I want to do is curl up into a ball, take some nyquil, and go to sleep. Don't even ask me what dinner will be - I haven't got a clue! I just lost at checkers to John (who's never beaten me), and I wasn't even trying to lose. I've been able to occupy the kids enough so they haven't watched an exorbitant amount of tv today, which often is what results when one of us is sick. But I did just relent to watching a new dvd they got for Christmas so that I can relax a bit and figure out some kind of food to serve them for dinner. I'm not sure Matt and I will even care what we eat, but they sure will.

I'm hopeful that since the kids have gotten over this so quickly, that Matt and I will soon follow suit. We have too much going on this week to get bogged down with yet another cold bug. So all you germs - just SHOOOOO!!! Out of my house!!! I want my head back!!!

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