
The Best Mommy Ever...for the moment

Tonight while I was making an easy dinner (because yes, I am STILL fuzzy headed with cold germs), John was helping me by squeezing lemons for the chickpea and broccoli salad recipe that Matt and I were going to have. I asked John if he'd be interested in having some shells and cheese (the kind from Trader Joe's - his favorite). I got a resounding YES! Then I slyly said, "And I thought I'd slice a zucchini and put it on the grill pan." This is one of his favorite veggies. He was so excited and asked, "for me? Did you pick that out just for me?" I confirmed that I had picked out those options knowing they were popular with the five year old in our house. The next statement was, "Wow, you're the best mommy I ever had." I said "Thank you."

Well, I was the best mommy until bedtime when we had to have a time out to calm down before bed. Ah well, at least I had the title for a bit. What more can a sick mom ask for?

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