
Smart Santa

This year for Christmas I decided months ago that Santa's gift to Kara would be a play kitchen. After much deliberation and online researching, I ordered one before Thanksgiving so that I would have time to assemble it before the big day arrived. With some last minute scrambling, I did manage to get the whole thing assembled (which was not the easiest task) and set up for Santa's arrival. I knew this particular item was going to be popular with both kids and even debated about giving it as a gift to both of them, but ultimately we decided that John should get his own gifts and let the kitchen just be for Kara. Well, with another gift of play food from my parents to add to the collection, the kitchen is complete. And was a rousing success on Christmas Day. So much so, in fact, that John later declared that Santa had brought it for both of them. Kara insisted the kitchen was hers. We had to remind John, much to his dismay, that the kitchen was in fact Kara's, but she was required to share it with him. I purposely bought one big enough for them to play together with it, knowing this might be an issue. Both of my kids have always flocked to play kitchens at other people's houses, and fortunately, are doing the same thing with ours now. When I'm in the kitchen cooking meals, there is often one or both of the kids in the play kitchen "cooking" up something. Kara loves to come offer people the ice cream cones and grapes. While John likes the bananas. The other day I made homemade french fries, and Kara immediately went to her food collection and pulled out the french fries to offer everyone. My little chefs now have a kitchen of their own to create in! I love it!

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