
Getting Busy (and Sick) Again

The coming days are going to be hectic to say the least. Matt leaves on Wednesday morning for a full week for his association's annual conference. It's A LOT of work for him, and leaves me with the kids for a week, which is also a lot of work, with no breaks. This week we're full of activities (John starts swimming classes again, and Kara starts her Little Bits class as well), we're also babysitting preschool siblings and already watched some neighbors today. Last night I found out about a deadline I have for my work that is this week as well (and I'm a bit behind the curve on getting the work done). And of course, to top it all off, I've come down with a brand new round of head cold business. Great timing!

It's certainly going to be a push to get through the rest of this week and then on Friday we'll head out to my parents' house for the weekend. It'll be a welcome break for me and give the kids a change of scenery. I think we'll all be ready for it by then.

I can tell it's going to be a long week when on Monday morning I'm already looking forward to Friday afternoon. And even more looking forward to Matt's return. And even MORE to the adults-only trip we're going to take over Spring Break. We've planned a mom and dad only trip to the Outer Banks for four nights and it's a LONG overdue trip that I'm more than ready for now.

For now, I'll have to be content with getting through the next three weeks, day by day, and dreaming of the beach trip to come. Ahhhhhhhhhh......

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