Okay, so this will be two totally unrelated stories about the kids and how big they seem to me today....
First, Kara. This will seem like a small thing to many people, but to me, it's big! I realized this week that she's now able to wash her hands all by herself. I can tell her to go wash her hands or she can tell me that she needs to wash her hands, then she can go into the bathroom, turn on the water, do the soap, wash the dirt away, turn the water off, and dry her hands ALL BY HERSELF!! This is a big step for her (and for me). I am so glad to have one less thing that I have to stop what I'm doing to help her do this. And hand washing is something we do a lot, so to be relieved of having to assist each and every time, is a big deal. But at the same time, it's also the next thing that my baby girl doesn't need me for anymore. I want her to grow up and stay small at the same time. Is that fair???

And second, John. He impressed me today with his fine motor skills. He has off school today and tomorrow, so I was pressed into service to keep him occupied during Kara's naptime, which is typically my time for either a little mommy-break or to get a few things done around the house. I wasn't sure what I was going to be able to come up with for him that would keep him engaged on his own today. But I remembered some small craft projects that I bought before Christmas and tucked away for a rainy day. Well, they came in handy today, even without the rain! The project involved placing these small tubular beads on a plastic form and then ironing/melting them together to make a cool shape. The first step of the project is to place all of these tiny beads into a design. I honestly wasn't sure if John's fine motor skills were going to be up to doing much of this before frustration set in and he wanted me to do it for him. But I was way wrong! He did not just one of these all by himself, he did two whole projects and they turned out great! He's very proud of his new star projects and they kept him busy for quite awhile so that I could work on some other tasks of my own. Win-win for us both! And I was most impressed that my kid was able to sit still and work for so long with small beads and be content. He truly is getting older and it's so cool to watch him do new and fun things with his growing skills.
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