
Recipe - Quesadillas with a twist

This is a yummy super-easy recipe that I like to do for me and Matt, while doing a simpler version for the kids. It works for everyone!

Quesadillas Huevos Rancheros

Put 4 corn tortillas on a cookie sheet. Place in a 325 degree oven for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and top 2 of the tortillas with grated monetery jack cheese and 3 sliced hard-cooked eggs. Top with the other tortillas. Bake until the cheese melts, about 5 minutes. Cut into wedges and top with salsa. Serves 4.

I do this for Matt and I and then will do regular tostadas with cheese and black olives (my kids are weird, I know) for the kids. Pair this with a salad or a soup and it makes a yummy and surprisingly filling meal.

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