
Old Friends, Good Times

We had a visit today from a family that used to live across the street. They moved to England for about 2 and a half years ago, when John and their oldest boy were about 2 and a half years old. We've seen the wife and two older children about once a year since they left. Today they came as the whole family (hubby, wife, and the 3 kids). It was a wonderful visit. When they moved away John and Vincent were truly best buds. I had become very dear friends with the wife and had a very difficult time adjusting to life after they had left. The boys played well together and the two couples enjoyed spending our Friday nights eating pizza and playing games late into the night. It was a very special time for us. Then they moved away and we've kept in touch. Although, I will admit, I have not done as good of a job calling or writing to them as I should. Sometimes it's just too hard to think about all the things we're not doing together, but most times it's just hard to find a good time to talk on the phone due to the time difference and the kids' schedules. Anyway, they were all here today and we had a GREAT time. It was good to see them all - the newest addition to their family is only 5 months old. It was an easy and pleasant visit and reminded me about how much I enjoy them and miss them.

I want to say Thank You to Gretchen and Lou for coming by today and sharing some of your brief time here in the U.S. with us. I know your time here is precious and I truly appreciate that you were able to squeeze us in. We miss you a lot and it was great to see you all today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Every morning as we get ready for school I'm saying the same things over and over again. You would think that by this point in the year they would know to put their socks & shoes on without a reminder from me.